53 research outputs found

    Formal Proof and Analysis of an Incremental Cycle Detection Algorithm

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    We study a state-of-the-art incremental cycle detection algorithm due to Bender, Fineman, Gilbert, and Tarjan. We propose a simple change that allows the algorithm to be regarded as genuinely online. Then, we exploit Separation Logic with Time Credits to simultaneously verify the correctness and the worst-case amortized asymptotic complexity of the modified algorithm

    Implementing and reasoning about hash-consed data structures in Coq

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    We report on four different approaches to implementing hash-consing in Coq programs. The use cases include execution inside Coq, or execution of the extracted OCaml code. We explore the different trade-offs between faithful use of pristine extracted code, and code that is fine-tuned to make use of OCaml programming constructs not available in Coq. We discuss the possible consequences in terms of performances and guarantees. We use the running example of binary decision diagrams and then demonstrate the generality of our solutions by applying them to other examples of hash-consed data structures

    Verasco: un analyseur statique pour C formellement vérifié

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    In order to develop safer software for critical applications, some static analyzers aim at establishing, with mathematical certitude, the absence of some classes of bug in the input program. A possible limit to this approach is the possibility of a soundness bug in the static analyzer itself, which would nullify the guarantees it is supposed to deliver.In this thesis, we propose to establish formal guarantees on the static analyzer itself: we present the design, implementation and proof of soundness using Coq of Verasco, a formally verified static analyzer based on abstract interpretation handling most of the ISO C99 language, including IEEE754 floating-point arithmetic (except recursion and dynamic memory allocation). Verasco aims at establishing the absence of erroneous behavior of the given programs. It enjoys a modular extendable architecture with several abstract domains and well-specified interfaces. We present the abstract iterator of Verasco, its handling of bounded machine arithmetic, its interval abstract domain, its symbolic abstract domain and its abstract domain of octagons. Verasco led to the development of new techniques for implementing data structure with sharing in Coq.Afin de développer des logiciels plus sûrs pour des applications critiques, certains analyseurs statiques tentent d'établir, avec une certitude mathématique, l'absence de certains types de bugs dans un programme donné. Une limite possible à cette approche est l'éventualité d'un bug affectant la correction de l'analyseur lui-même, éliminant ainsi les garanties qu'il est censé apporter.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'établir des garanties formelles sur l'analyseur lui-même : nous présentons la conception, l'implantation et la preuve de sûreté en Coq de Verasco, un analyseur statique formellement vérifié utilisant l'interprétation abstraite pour le langage ISO C99 avec l'arithmétique flottante IEEE754 (à l'exception de la récursion et de l'allocation dynamique de mémoire). Verasco a pour but d'établir l'absence d'erreur à l'exécution des programmes donnés. Il est conçu selon une architecture modulaire et extensible contenant plusieurs domaines abstraits et des interfaces bien spécifiées. Nous détaillons le fonctionnement de l'itérateur abstrait de Verasco, son traitement des entiers bornés de la machine, son domaine abstrait d'intervalles, son domaine abstrait symbolique et son domaine abstrait d'octogones. Verasco a donné lieu au développement de nouvelles techniques pour implémenter des structures de données avec partage dans Coq

    Spy Game: Verifying a Local Generic Solver in Iris

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    International audienceWe verify the partial correctness of a "local generic solver", that is, an on-demand, incremental, memoizing least fixed point computation algorithm. The verification is carried out in Iris, a modern breed of concurrent separation logic. The specification is simple: the solver computes the optimal least fixed point of a system of monotone equations. Although the solver relies on mutable internal state for memoization and for "spying", a form of dynamic dependency discovery, it is apparently pure: no side effects are mentioned in its specification. As auxiliary contributions, we provide several illustrations of the use of prophecy variables, a novel feature of Iris; we establish a restricted form of the infinitary conjunction rule; and we provide a specification and proof of Longley's modulus function, an archetypical example of spying

    A Simple, Possibly Correct LR Parser for C11

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    International audienceThe syntax of the C programming language is described in the C11 standard by an ambiguous context-free grammar, accompanied with English prose that describes the concept of " scope " and indicates how certain ambiguous code fragments should be interpreted. Based on these elements, the problem of implementing a compliant C11 parser is not entirely trivial. We review the main sources of difficulty and describe a relatively simple solution to the problem. Our solution employs the well-known technique of combining an LALR(1) parser with a " lexical feedback " mechanism. It draws on folklore knowledge and adds several original aspects , including: a twist on lexical feedback that allows a smooth interaction with lookahead; a simplified and powerful treatment of scopes; and a few amendments in the grammar. Although not formally verified, our parser avoids several pitfalls that other implementations have fallen prey to. We believe that its simplicity, its mostly-declarative nature, and its high similarity with the C11 grammar are strong informal arguments in favor of its correctness. Our parser is accompanied with a small suite of " tricky " C11 programs. We hope that it may serve as a reference or a starting point in the implementation of compilers and analysis tools

    Creusot: a Foundry for the Deductive Verification of Rust Programs

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    International audienceRust is a fairly recent programming language for system programming, bringing static guarantees of memory safety through a strict ownership policy. The strong guarantees brought by this feature opens promising progress for deductive verification, which aims at proving the conformity of Rust code with respect to a specification of its intended behavior. We present the foundations of Creusot, a tool for the formal specification and deductive verification of Rust code. A rst originality comes from Creusot's specification language, which features a notion of prophecy to reason about memory mutation, working in harmony with Rust's ownership system. A second originality is how Creusot builds upon Rust trait system to provide several advanced abstraction features

    Validating LR(1) Parsers

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    International audienceAn LR(1) parser is a finite-state automaton, equipped with a stack, which uses a combination of its current state and one lookahead symbol in order to determine which action to perform next. We present a validator which, when applied to a context-free grammar G and an automaton A, checks that A and G agree. Validating the parser pro-vides the correctness guarantees required by verified compilers and other high-assurance software that involves parsing. The validation process is independent of which technique was used to construct A. The validator is implemented and proved correct using the Coq proof assistant. As an application, we build a formally-verified parser for the C99 language

    The CREUSOT Environment for the Deductive Verification of Rust Programs

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    Rust is a fairly recent programming language for system programming, bringing static guarantees of memory safety through a strong ownership policy. This feature opens promising advances for deductive verification of Rust code, which aims at proving the conformity of some code with respect to a specification of its intended behavior. In this report we present Creusot, a tool for the formal specification and deductive verification of Rust programs. There are two main original features in the approach implemented in Creusot. First, Creusot’s specification language features a notion of prophecies, which is central for the specification of behavior of programs performing memory mutation. Prophecies also permit efficient automated reasoning for verifying about such programs.Rust provides advanced abstraction features based on a notion of traits, extensively used in the standard library and in user code. The support for traits is the second main feature of Creusot, because it is at the heart of its approach, in particular for providing complex abstraction of the functional behavior of programs.Rust est un langage de programmation relativement récent pour la programmation système, apportant des garanties statiques de sûreté des accès mémoire à travers une politique rigoureuse d’ownership. Cette approche ouvre une voie prometteuse pour la vérification déductive de code Rust, qui vise à prouver la conformité d’un code vis-à-vis d’une spécification de son comportement prévu. Dans ce rapport nous présentons CREUSOT, un outil pour la spécification formelle et la vérification déductive de programmes Rust.L’approche mise en œuvre dans CREUSOT s’appuie sur deux caractéristiques originales. Premièrement, le langage de spécification de CREUSOT fournit une notion de prophétie, qui est centrale pour la spécification du comportement des programmes effectuant des modifications en place de la mémoire. Les prophéties permettent aussi un raisonnement automatisé efficace pour vérifier ces programmes.Rust fournit des fonctionnalités d’abstraction avancées basées sur une notion de trait, largement utilisée dans la bibliothèque standard et dans les codes utilisateur. La prise en charge des traits est la deuxième caractéristique principale de CREUSOT, car elle est au cœur de sa démarche, en particulier pour fournir une abstraction élaborée du comportement fonctionnel des programmes

    A Verified Packrat Parser Interpreter for Parsing Expression Grammars

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    Parsing expression grammars (PEGs) offer a natural opportunity for building verified parser interpreters based on higher-order parsing combinators. PEGs are expressive, unambiguous, and efficient to parse in a top-down recursive descent style. We use the rich type system of the PVS specification language and verification system to formalize the metatheory of PEGs and define a reference implementation of a recursive parser interpreter for PEGs. In order to ensure termination of parsing, we define a notion of a well-formed grammar. Rather than relying on an inductive definition of parsing, we use abstract syntax trees that represent the computational trace of the parser to provide an effective proof certificate for correct parsing and ensure that parsing properties including soundness and completeness are maintained. The correctness properties are embedded in the types of the operations so that the proofs can be easily constructed from local proof obligations. Building on the reference parser interpreter, we define a packrat parser interpreter as well as an extension that is capable of semantic interpretation. Both these parser interpreters are proved equivalent to the reference one. All of the parsers are executable. The proofs are formalized in mathematical terms so that similar parser interpreters can be defined in any specification language with a type system similar to PVS.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, Certified Proofs and Program

    Verasco: un analyseur statique pour C formellement vérifié

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    In order to develop safer software for critical applications, some static analyzers aim at establishing, with mathematical certitude, the absence of some classes of bug in the input program. A possible limit to this approach is the possibility of a soundness bug in the static analyzer itself, which would nullify the guarantees it is supposed to deliver.In this thesis, we propose to establish formal guarantees on the static analyzer itself: we present the design, implementation and proof of soundness using Coq of Verasco, a formally verified static analyzer based on abstract interpretation handling most of the ISO C99 language, including IEEE754 floating-point arithmetic (except recursion and dynamic memory allocation). Verasco aims at establishing the absence of erroneous behavior of the given programs. It enjoys a modular extendable architecture with several abstract domains and well-specified interfaces. We present the abstract iterator of Verasco, its handling of bounded machine arithmetic, its interval abstract domain, its symbolic abstract domain and its abstract domain of octagons. Verasco led to the development of new techniques for implementing data structure with sharing in Coq.Afin de développer des logiciels plus sûrs pour des applications critiques, certains analyseurs statiques tentent d'établir, avec une certitude mathématique, l'absence de certains types de bugs dans un programme donné. Une limite possible à cette approche est l'éventualité d'un bug affectant la correction de l'analyseur lui-même, éliminant ainsi les garanties qu'il est censé apporter.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d'établir des garanties formelles sur l'analyseur lui-même : nous présentons la conception, l'implantation et la preuve de sûreté en Coq de Verasco, un analyseur statique formellement vérifié utilisant l'interprétation abstraite pour le langage ISO C99 avec l'arithmétique flottante IEEE754 (à l'exception de la récursion et de l'allocation dynamique de mémoire). Verasco a pour but d'établir l'absence d'erreur à l'exécution des programmes donnés. Il est conçu selon une architecture modulaire et extensible contenant plusieurs domaines abstraits et des interfaces bien spécifiées. Nous détaillons le fonctionnement de l'itérateur abstrait de Verasco, son traitement des entiers bornés de la machine, son domaine abstrait d'intervalles, son domaine abstrait symbolique et son domaine abstrait d'octogones. Verasco a donné lieu au développement de nouvelles techniques pour implémenter des structures de données avec partage dans Coq
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